Sunday, April 12, 2009

Chess Master

Hi some pictures that I took with my fellow friend, Mr. Ziyad, with our own setup mini-studio at my home. Our subject for this project is indoor photograph and we pick glass chess as our object. For this blog, I attached some which I guess were my best shot. Enjoy! Please put comment too so that I will improve.


  1. weh tak ble jadik nih!
    mule2 aku ingat ko amik dari intenet ke pe..
    hehe cantik bro, esp pencahayaan yang menarik, then siap nampak reflection die.. superb bro..
    Ajo aku!

  2. x main la nk amik kt internet...kate blog utk hasil sendiri...hehe...simple setup...nti aku share..leh ko buat nti..

  3. wow....!!!wow..!!!!wow...!!!!

    zecho memang HEBAT..!!!
    memang menarik kesemua gambar2 ni...memang tak leh nak tahan ni bila tgk semua gambor2 ni....

    betul tu Salam 165, next leh menuntut dengan bro Zecho...huhu...mcm mana,ada bran????
    whatever pun kesemua gambor2 yang U post memeang menarik...

  4. i like how the light is refracted in the photo (second from top).
    nice setup, making simple things appear extraordinary.
